Wow! what can we say! what a great trip, adventure, to sail around the world, not in 80 days, but 128 days. During the Spring 2015.
Here's our main ship, the MV Explorer
Our voyage takes us from San Diego (7 Jan. 2015) through east Asia, SE Asia, South Asia, South African, Morocco, and to the UK (29 April 2015. And, actually, we will extend our sea voyage on the Queen Mary 2 from UK (3 May 2015 to NY (10 May 2015) with Amtrak back to where we began, Charlottesville, so we can get back to our library work on the 11th May.
I am the Librarian for this Spring 2015 Semester at Sea, with about 630 student and 30 faculty teaching or taking about 90 classes - plus staff and crew. Deej is sailing too and working with the younger children on board.
Here's Philip and the Semester at Sea Library page

And students in the library
and Librarian Warner in the library - celebrating the first day of the Fall 2014 Semester at Sea voyage
Well, this is just the first post for this new blog.
Now, what should we pack - both for cold (Japan, China) and then fairly warm weather? In what suitcases? what computers, equipment, cameras, recorders, alarm clocks should we take?
We've got our China and India visas - but need some spare photos for other countries' visas when we get there.
We've got our shots, medical clearance - but what medicines, prescriptions should we take?
What tours or field trips should we sign up for?
Who's going to take care of our house, cars, bills while we're gone?
How will the food be on board, what will our cabin look like?
Wow, around the world in 128 days - so many things to decide, plan for, organize for this great adventure.
We board the ship exactly in a month (5 January 2015 in San Diego).
Here's our main ship, the MV Explorer
Our voyage takes us from San Diego (7 Jan. 2015) through east Asia, SE Asia, South Asia, South African, Morocco, and to the UK (29 April 2015. And, actually, we will extend our sea voyage on the Queen Mary 2 from UK (3 May 2015 to NY (10 May 2015) with Amtrak back to where we began, Charlottesville, so we can get back to our library work on the 11th May.
I am the Librarian for this Spring 2015 Semester at Sea, with about 630 student and 30 faculty teaching or taking about 90 classes - plus staff and crew. Deej is sailing too and working with the younger children on board.
Here's Philip and the Semester at Sea Library page

And students in the library
and Librarian Warner in the library - celebrating the first day of the Fall 2014 Semester at Sea voyage
Now, what should we pack - both for cold (Japan, China) and then fairly warm weather? In what suitcases? what computers, equipment, cameras, recorders, alarm clocks should we take?
We've got our China and India visas - but need some spare photos for other countries' visas when we get there.
We've got our shots, medical clearance - but what medicines, prescriptions should we take?
What tours or field trips should we sign up for?
Who's going to take care of our house, cars, bills while we're gone?
How will the food be on board, what will our cabin look like?
Wow, around the world in 128 days - so many things to decide, plan for, organize for this great adventure.
We board the ship exactly in a month (5 January 2015 in San Diego).
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